Selenium with Java Tutorial - Learn Selenium WebDriver with Java

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Introduction to Selenium

In this section, we'll introduce Selenium, an open-source automation testing tool for web applications. We'll cover:

  1. What is Selenium and How Does it Work?
  2. Benefits and Limitations of Using Selenium
  3. Getting Started with Selenium WebDriver
  4. Creating Your First Selenium Test

Please refer Introduction to Selenium , Installation and more

Using Locators in Selenium

In this section, we'll explore how to use locators in Selenium to identify and interact with web elements on a web page. We'll cover:

  1. Understanding Locators in Selenium
  2. Using ID, Name, Class Name, and Tag Name Locators
  3. Using CSS Selector and XPath Locators
  4. Best Practices for Locators in Selenium

Please refer Selenium Locators, Selector / XPath / Tag / CSS and more

Understanding Waits in Selenium

In this section, we'll cover how to use waits in Selenium to ensure that your tests run reliably and consistently, even if the page takes some time to load or if elements on the page take some time to become visible. We'll cover:

  1. Understanding Waits in Selenium
  2. Types of Waits in Selenium
  3. Using Explicit Waits in Selenium
  4. Using Implicit Waits in Selenium

Please refer Selenium Implicit / Explicit waits and more

Performing Actions on Web Elements

In this section, we'll explore how to perform various actions on web elements in Selenium, including:

  1. Clicking, Typing, and Selecting Values from Dropdowns
  2. Handling Alerts and Popups in Selenium
  3. Using JavaScript Executor in Selenium
  4. Handling Frames and Windows in Selenium

Introduction to TestNG

In this section, we'll introduce TestNG, a powerful testing framework for Java applications, and explore how to use it with Selenium. We'll cover:

  1. What is TestNG and How Does it Work?
  2. Benefits and Limitations of Using TestNG with Selenium
  3. Installing TestNG and Creating a TestNG Project
  4. Creating and Running TestNG Tests with Selenium

Please refer TestNG introduction, installation and more

Implementing Page Objects

In this section, we'll explore the Page Object Model (POM) design pattern, which is widely used in Selenium testing to create reusable and maintainable tests. We'll cover:

  1. Understanding the Page Object Model (POM)
  2. Creating Page Objects in Selenium
  3. Refactoring Tests with Page Objects
  4. Best Practices for Implementing POM in Selenium

Please refer Page Object Model (POM) Pattern and more

Data-Driven Testing with Selenium and Apache POI

Data-driven testing is an essential part of Selenium testing that enables us to run the same test script with multiple sets of data. In this section, we'll explore how to implement data-driven testing with Selenium and Apache POI, a popular Java library for working with Microsoft Office documents. We'll cover:

  1. Understanding Data-Driven Testing
  2. Creating Data-Driven Tests with Apache POI
  3. Reading Data from Excel Sheets in Selenium Tests
  4. Best Practices for Data-Driven Testing in Selenium

Cross-Browser Testing with Selenium and Java

selenium cross browser support - article

Cross-browser testing is a critical aspect of Selenium testing that ensures that web applications are compatible with different browsers and their versions. In this section, we'll explore how to perform cross-browser testing with Selenium and Java. We'll cover:

  1. Understanding Cross-Browser Testing
  2. Creating Cross-Browser Tests with Selenium and Java
  3. Testing with Different Browsers and Versions
  4. Best Practices for Cross-Browser Testing in Selenium

Please refer Selenium Cross Browser and more

Continuous Integration with Selenium and Jenkins

Continuous integration (CI) is a software development practice that involves automatically building, testing, and deploying software changes. In this section, we'll explore how to set up a continuous integration pipeline for Selenium tests using Jenkins, a popular open-source automation server. We'll cover:

  1. Understanding Continuous Integration with Selenium
  2. Installing and Configuring Jenkins
  3. Setting up a Jenkins Job for Selenium Tests
  4. Best Practices for Continuous Integration with Selenium

Distributed Testing with Selenium Grid

Selenium Grid is a tool that enables you to run Selenium tests on multiple machines at the same time, speeding up test execution and reducing the time it takes to get feedback on test results. In this section, we'll explore how to set up and use Selenium Grid for distributed testing. We'll cover:

  1. Understanding Distributed Testing with Selenium Grid
  2. Setting up Selenium Grid
  3. Configuring Selenium Tests to Run on Selenium Grid
  4. Best Practices for Distributed Testing with Selenium Grid

Advanced Topics in Selenium with Java

In this section, we'll cover some advanced topics in Selenium with Java, including:

  1. Handling Dynamic Web Elements in Selenium
  2. Testing with Different Browsers and Devices in Selenium
  3. Integrating Selenium with Other Tools and Frameworks
  4. Best Practices for Advanced Topics in Selenium

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