Download & Install Selenium IDE for Chrome, Firefox, Mozialla & Edge

Download & Install Selenium IDE real quick

Selenium IDE is an easy-to-use tool that allows web developers to write and execute automated tests for web applications. It lets you record actions in a browser window, then replay those actions later.

Selenium IDE is an open source tool that allows you to automate web browser actions. It can be used for testing, debugging, or even creating automated scripts. Selenium IDE is available as a standalone application or through the WebDriver API.

Install Selenium IDE on :

  1. Chrome
  2. Microsoft Edge
  3. Mozilla Firefox

#1 Selenium IDE for Chrome

Selenium IDE Chrome Extension for Selenium Webdriver is an extension for Google Chrome that allows you to record tests and run them later on. It also has many other features.

Selenium IDE is an excellent tool for testing web applications. It records all actions performed by the user in a test script. The recorded scripts can then be played back at any time to ensure that the application works correctly.

Record Tests with Selenium IDE

Chrome Selenium IDE is available as a free download from the official chrome website. You can use it to record tests Chrome browser. Once you have installed the extension, open up a new tab in your browser and navigate to the URL of the site you wish to test. Click on the “Record” button in the toolbar and start recording.

Run Tests Later on

After you have recorded your test, click on the “Playback” button to view the results. If there are any errors, you will see them highlighted in red. To fix these errors, click on the ‘Fix’ button next to each error. This will take you back to the original screen where you started recording.

Generate Reports

Chrome Selenium IDE can generate reports based on test results. These reports can help you identify issues with your code.

To install the Selenium IDE plugin for Chrome

  • go to chrome webstore and search for “Selenium IDE”.
  • Click on the “Add to Chrome” button to add the extension to your browser.

install the Selenium IDE plugin for Chrome

  • Click on Add to Chrome and then click on Add Extension

add Selenium IDE plugin for Chrome

added Selenium IDE plugin to Chrome

  • Click on extensions and then on Selenium IDE to launch the IDE

launch Selenium IDE from Chrome

  • Click on Record a new test in a new Project

record test in Selenium IDE from Chrome

  • Name your new Project

create new selenium project

  • Select the Application Under Test URL

create new test by selecting new uat url inside the selenium project

  • Click on Start Recording to start selenium test run

Start Recording in selenium IDE

# Create a new test cases.

  • Create a new test by clickin gon + symbol in the selenium ide left menu bar.
  • Once you have selected the type of test you would like to perform (e.g., click, fill out form), select the URL of the website you wish to test. Then, enter any text into the fields provided. Finally, click on the Run button to execute the test.
  • Run the test by clicking the Run button.If there are any errors, you will see them highlighted in red. To fix these issues, simply click the Fix Errors button.

#2 Selenium IDE for Microsoft Edge

To install the Selenium IDE plugin for Microsoft Edge

download the Selenium IDE plugin for Microsoft Edge

  • In the Add "Selenium IDE" to Microsoft Edge? window, Click on Add Extension

add Selenium IDE extension for Microsoft Edge

  • If Microsoft Extension installation is successful, below message popsup.
  • added Selenium IDE plugin to Microsoft Edge

    • Click on extensions and then on Selenium IDE to launch the IDE

    launch Selenium IDE from Microsoft Edge Extensions

  • Click on Start Recording to start selenium test run

  • Start Recording in selenium IDE

    #3 Selenium IDE for Firefox

    Selenium IDE Firefox, Firefox 55 or Firefox quantum plugin for testing web applications allows you to record tests in an easy way and run them later on any browser.

    Selenium IDE Mozilla firefox plugin allows you to run selenium tests from within the browser itself. This saves time and effort by eliminating the need to install any additional software.

    Selenium IDE Firefox PlugIn is a free extension for Firefox and can use Selenium IDE Firefox Plugin to test web applications using Selenium WebDriver.

    This plugin is an extension for selenium webdriver testing. This tool helps to automate test cases by recording actions performed by user.

    To install the Selenium IDE plugin for Mozilla Firefox please follow selenium ide firefox download instructions below.


    By default Mozilla Firefox Selenium IDE is disabled. To launch Selenium IDE, first enable the firefox selenium ide.

    • Go to Add-ons and themes
    • Click on extensions
    • Select Selenium IDE extension and click on the toggle button to enable selenium IDE
    < enable Selenium IDE plugin for Mozilla Firefox

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