Top 50 Selenium Interview Questions and Answers for 2023 | Expert Tips

selenium stale element exception

Here are 50 Selenium interview questions with answers.

  1. What is Selenium?
  2. Selenium is an open-source automation testing tool used to automate web browsers. It is widely used for functional testing, regression testing, and cross-browser testing.

  3. What are the components of Selenium?
  4. The components of Selenium are Selenium IDE, Selenium RC, Selenium WebDriver, and Selenium Grid.

  5. What is the difference between Selenium IDE and Selenium WebDriver?
  6. Selenium IDE is a record and playback tool, while Selenium WebDriver is a programming interface that allows you to write and execute test scripts in a programming language of your choice.

  7. What are the advantages of using Selenium?
  8. The advantages of using Selenium are:

    • Open-source and free
    • Cross-browser compatibility
    • Supports multiple programming languages
    • Supports parallel testing
    • Can be integrated with other testing tools
  9. What are the programming languages supported by Selenium?
  10. Selenium supports programming languages such as Java, C#, Python, Ruby, JavaScript, and PHP.

  11. What is a Selenium test suite?
  12. A Selenium test suite is a collection of test cases that are designed to test a specific functionality or feature of an application.

  13. What is a Selenium test case?
  14. A Selenium test case is a set of steps that are executed to test a specific functionality or feature of an application.

  15. What is the difference between findElement() and findElements() methods in Selenium?
  16. The findElement() method returns the first web element that matches the specified selector, while the findElements() method returns a list of all web elements that match the specified selector.

  17. What is the difference between driver.get() and driver.navigate().to() methods in Selenium?
  18. The driver.get() method is used to navigate to a URL, while the driver.navigate().to() method is used to navigate to a URL and it also allows you to navigate back and forth in the browser history.

  19. What is the difference between driver.quit() and driver.close() methods in Selenium?
  20. The driver.quit() method is used to close the browser and end the WebDriver session, while the driver.close() method is used to close the current window or tab.

  21. What are the types of waits available in Selenium?
  22. The types of waits available in Selenium are:

    • Implicit Wait
    • Explicit Wait
    • Fluent Wait
  23. What is an Implicit Wait?
  24. An Implicit Wait is a type of wait in Selenium that instructs the WebDriver to wait for a certain amount of time for the web element to appear on the page before throwing a NoSuchElementException.

  25. What is an Explicit Wait?
  26. An Explicit Wait is a type of wait in Selenium that instructs the WebDriver to wait for a certain condition to occur before proceeding to the next step in the test script.

  27. What is a Fluent Wait?
  28. A Fluent Wait is a type of wait in Selenium that allows you to define the maximum amount of time to wait for a condition, as well as the frequency with which the WebDriver should check for the condition to be true.

  29. What are the types of locators available in Selenium?
  30. The types of locators available in Selenium are:

    • ID
    • Name
    • Class Name
    • Tag Name
    • Link Text
    • Partial Link Text
    • CSS Selector
    • XPath
  31. What is a CSS Selector?
  32. A CSS Selector is a pattern used to select web elements based on their attributes such as id, class, name, etc.

  33. What is an XPath?
  34. An XPath is a language used to select web elements in an XML or HTML document.

  35. What is a relative XPath?
  36. A relative XPath is an XPath expression that starts from the current node and navigates to the desired web element.

  37. What is an absolute XPath?
  38. An absolute XPath is an XPath expression that starts from the root node of the document and navigates to the desired web element.

  39. What is the difference between absolute XPath and relative XPath?
  40. The main difference between absolute XPath and relative XPath is that absolute XPath starts from the root node of the document, while relative XPath starts from the current node.

  41. What is a WebDriver?
  42. A WebDriver is an interface in Selenium that allows you to write and execute test scripts to interact with web browsers.

  43. What is a WebElement?
  44. A WebElement is an interface in Selenium that represents an HTML element on a web page.

  45. What is a frame in Selenium?
  46. A frame in Selenium is an HTML document embedded inside another HTML document. It is used to divide a web page into multiple sections, each with its own content.

  47. What is a cookie in Selenium?
  48. A cookie in Selenium is a small text file that is stored on the client-side by the browser. It is used to store information about the user and their browsing behavior.

  49. What is a screenshot in Selenium?
  50. A screenshot in Selenium is an image of the web page taken at a specific point in time during the test execution.

  51. What is a headless browser in Selenium?
  52. A headless browser in Selenium is a web browser without a graphical user interface. It is used for testing web applications in a non-visual environment.

  53. What is a Page Object Model (POM)?
  54. A Page Object Model (POM) is a design pattern in Selenium that separates the web page's functionality from the test scripts.

  55. What are the benefits of using Page Object Model (POM)?
  56. The benefits of using Page Object Model (POM) are:

    • Increases code reusability
    • Improves code maintainability
    • Reduces code duplication
  57. What is test automation?
  58. Test automation is the use of software tools to control the execution of tests and compare the actual results with the expected results.

  59. What is Selenium Grid?
  60. Selenium Grid is a tool in Selenium that allows you to run tests on multiple machines in parallel.

  61. What is the difference between Selenium WebDriver and Selenium IDE?
  62. The main difference between Selenium WebDriver and Selenium IDE is that WebDriver is used for programming and executing test scripts, while IDE is used for recording and playback of test scripts.

  63. What are the advantages of using Selenium WebDriver?
  64. The advantages of using Selenium WebDriver are:

    • Supports multiple programming languages
    • Supports multiple browsers
    • Supports multiple operating systems
    • Provides better control over test scripts
    • Provides better performance
  65. What are the limitations of Selenium WebDriver?
  66. The limitations of Selenium WebDriver are:

    • Cannot automate desktop applications
    • Cannot automate CAPTCHA and OTP
    • Cannot automate image-based tests
    • Cannot automate tests that involve non-HTML components
  67. What is a TestNG?
  68. TestNG is a testing framework in Java that is used to write and execute tests.

  69. What are the advantages of using TestNG?
  70. The advantages of using TestNG are:

    • Supports multiple annotations
    • Supports data-driven testing
    • Supports parallel test execution
    • Provides better reporting
    • Provides better error handling
  71. What is a PageFactory?
  72. A PageFactory is a class in Selenium that is used to initialize and locate web elements on a web page.

  73. What is the difference between findElement and findElements?
  74. The main difference between findElement and findElements is that findElement returns the first matching web element, while findElements returns a list of all matching web elements.

  75. What is a DesiredCapabilities?
  76. A DesiredCapabilities is a class in Selenium that is used to set the browser and platform configurations for the WebDriver.

  77. What is a ChromeDriver?
  78. A ChromeDriver is a WebDriver implementation that allows you to control the Google Chrome browser.

  79. What is a GeckoDriver?
  80. A GeckoDriver is a WebDriver implementation that allows you to control the Mozilla Firefox browser.

  81. What is a IEDriver?
  82. An IEDriver is a WebDriver implementation that allows you to control the Internet Explorer browser.

  83. What is a WebElement?
  84. A WebElement is an interface in Selenium that represents an HTML element on a web page.

  85. What is the difference between getText() and getAttribute() methods?
  86. The getText() method is used to get the visible text of an element, while the getAttribute() method is used to get the value of an attribute of an element.

  87. What is the difference between submit() and click() methods?
  88. The submit() method is used to submit a form to the server, while the click() method is used to simulate a mouse click on an element.

  89. What is the difference between implicit wait and explicit wait?
  90. The main difference between implicit wait and explicit wait is that implicit wait is set globally and applies to all web elements, while explicit wait is set for a specific web element and applies only to that element.

  91. What is a fluent wait?
  92. A fluent wait is a type of explicit wait in Selenium that allows you to wait for a certain condition to be met, with a timeout and a polling interval.

  93. What is a Select class?
  94. A Select class is a class in Selenium that is used to work with dropdown lists and multiple select elements on a web page.

  95. What is the difference between getWindowHandle() and getWindowHandles() methods?
  96. The getWindowHandle() method is used to get the window handle of the current window, while the getWindowHandles() method is used to get the window handles of all open windows.

  97. What is a screenshot in Selenium?
  98. A screenshot in Selenium is an image of the current state of a web page, taken by the WebDriver.

  99. What is a headless browser?
  100. A headless browser is a browser that does not have a user interface, and is used for automated testing and web scraping.

  101. What is a proxy in Selenium?
  102. A proxy in Selenium is a server that acts as an intermediary between the WebDriver and the web server, and is used for various purposes such as caching, logging, and security.

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