Windows does not recognize Java

Windows does not recognize Java ?. Here are the step by step procedure on how to reproduce the issue and fix the same.

Step By Step Procedure to Reproduce - windows does not recognize Java issue.

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# Resolving windows does not recognize Java issue

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More details about this Bug in OpenJDK -

Every time I try to start installation nothing happens, nothing. I even took my laptop to a service support who works for 15 years and he couldn't find a problem. I don't want your support or anything, just please if you can tell me why if 3 billion of people are using Java, I can't? What can stop it from instal?

REGRESSION : Last worked in version selected='selected'

FREQUENCY : always

Comment by Pardeep Sharma [ 2019-11-18 ]
There is not enough information to evaluate the issue. Written back to the submitter requesting more information including install log files from the system.
Comment by Pardeep Sharma [ 2020-04-28 ]
Closing this as Incomplete since we have not received any update or required information from submitter. If we receive any update in future, may reopen this report.

please refer bug at windows does not recognize Java

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