OpenJDK 15 Download and Installation on Windows 64 bit

OpenJDK Developers Guide

Quick guide to download and install OpenJDK 15 on Windows. - OpenJDK Community Version

What is OpenJDK

OpenJDK is the short form of Open Java Development Kit similar to Oracle's Java Development Kit used to develop Java Applications. Main difference between Oracle JDK and OpenJDK is that OpenJDK is free for all while Oracle Java Development Kit or Oracle JDK requires commercial license. For more details refer openjdk vs oracle jdk

If you want to know more about OpenJDK, you can go through Open Java Development Kit Quick guide.

Note: To uninstall previously installed OpenJDK please refer Uninstall OpenJDK Windows

Step #1: Download

There are many OpenJDK vendors out there in the market ( here is the OpenJDK Vendors List ), you can download OpenJDK from AdoptOpenJDK, Redhat OpenJDK, Zulu OpenJDK or from Community OpenJDK.

Below are the steps to download and install Community OpenJDK. If you would like to install OpenJDK from other vendors please refer :

Download and install Community OpenJDK

Unlike Oracle JDK or AdoptOpenJDK, community OpenJDK 15 doesn't provide any executables (windows .exe files ) for easy installation. This might make the OpenJDK 15 installation on Windows bit difficult for newbies. To install windows OpenJDK 15, all you have to do is, Download the latest OpenJDK 15 zip/tar file and unzip to a convenient directory on you windows machine. Set the path to downloaded OpenJDK 15 bin directory in the Path Variable.

Here is the step by step procedure to download and install the latest OpenJDK 14 on Windows 10 / Windows 8 / Windows 7.

  1. Go to

  2. Click on Reference Implementation - OpenJDK 15.

  3. Download Ready for release OpenJDK 15

  4. Download the zip / tar distributions based on your operating system

  5. Step #2: Install

  6. Extract the downloaded zip / tar file to your convenient directory.

  7. Example on windows: C:\Avi\tools\jdk-11

  8. Extract OpenJDK 15 and copy bin path

    Step #3: Configure

  9. Based on your operating system, set the OpenJDK 15 bin path in the environment path

  10. On windows follow the below steps to set the OpenJDK 15 classpath

  11. Copy the extracted OpenJDK 15's bin path

    Go System Properties and then to Edit the system environmental variables and Click on Environment Variables.
    Edit the windows system environment variable
    Edit the path variable

    Edit the windows system environment PATH variable
    Add path variable if its not already added and click OK to finish

    Add the OpenJDK 15 bin path

    Step #4: Verify

    Once the OpenJDK 15 Download and installation is complete, we can verify the installed OpenJDK 15 version using Command Prompt.

    Click on Windows Search Button and type cmd and then click on command prompt shortcut.
    Go to command prompt and type java -version The above command prints the OpenJDK 15 version you installed.

    Java -version

    Verify the installed OpenJDK 15 version on windows
    Congratulations !!! Now you have installed OpenJDK 15 Successfully.

    Step #5: OpenJDK Known Issues

    Note: Here is the list of OpenJDK known-issues OpenJDK Known Issues

    Redhat OpenJDK installation, Click here to read more.

    Install RedHat OpenJDK 15 on Windows 10

    AdoptOpenJDK installation, Click here to read more.

    Install AdoptOpenJDK 15 on Windows 10

    Here is the quick video tutorial that demonstrates how to Download and Install OpenJDK 15 on Windows 10.

    Download OpenJDK - here are the OpenJDK versions you might be interested in!

    OpenJDK 7 Download Windows 64 bit
    OpenJDK 8 Download Windows 64 bit
    OpenJDK 9 Download Windows 64 bit
    OpenJDK 10 Download Windows 64 bit
    OpenJDK 11 Download Windows 64 bit
    OpenJDK 12 Download Windows 64 bit

    If you are looking out for earlier OpenJDK versions, go to OpenJDK Archive

    How to Download and Install Red Hat OpenJDK 15 on windows

    OpenJDK Developers Guide OpenJDK 15 Developers Guide

    Unlike community OpenJDK, Red Hat provides OpenJDK build in executable as well as zipped format for easy installation on windows. To install Red Hat OpenJDK 15 on windows, all you have to do is, Download the latest version of Red Hat OpenJDK 15 MSI/ZIP file ( example jdk-11.0.6-x64 ZIP or jdk-11.0.6-x64 MSI) from Red hat official site. If you have downloaded OpenJDK 15 MSI, go ahead and install the MSI like any other windows installations and if you have downloaded the ZIP version, unzip the OpenJDK 15 to a convenient directory on you windows machine. Set the path to downloaded OpenJDK 15's bin directory in the Path Variable.

    Here is the step by step procedure to install the latest Red Hat OpenJDK 15 on Windows 10 / Windows 8 / Windows 7.

    1. Go to Red Had OpenJDK 15 Download page.

    2. Click on the required version of Red Hat OpenJDK 15

    3. Download Read Hat OpenJDK 15 MSI / ZIP

    4. Download the ZIP windows distributions
    5. Download Red Hat OpenJDK 15 to any directory on windows
    6. Extract the downloaded zip file to your convenient directory.
    7. Example on windows: C:\Avi\tools\

    8. Extract Red Hat OpenJDK 15 on windows

    9. Now copy the Red Hat OpenJDK 15 bin path C:\Avi\tools\\bin and set the Red Hat OpenJDK 15 bin path in the environment path

    10. On windows follow the below steps to set the Red Hat OpenJDK 15 classpath

    11. Copy the extracted OpenJDK 15's bin path

      Go System Properties and then to Edit the system environmental variables and Click on Environment Variables.
      Edit the windows system environment variable
      Edit the path variable

      Edit the windows system environment PATH variable
      Add path variable if its not already added and click OK to finish

      Add the Red Hat OpenJDK 15 bin path
      Go to command prompt and type java -version
      Java -version
      Congratulations !!! Now you have installed Redhat OpenJDK 15 Successfully.
      Verify the installed Red Hat OpenJDK 15 version on windows

    How to Download and Install AdoptOpenJDK 15 on windows

    OpenJDK 15 Developers Guide

    AdoptOpenJDK provides an open and reproducible build and test system for OpenJDK source across multiple platforms. AdoptOpenJDK provides OpenJDK binaries for the Java ecosystem.

    Here is the step by step procedure to install the latest AdoptOpenJDK on Windows 10 / Windows 8 / Windows 7.

    1. Go to AdoptOpenJDK Download page.

    2. Click on the AdoptOpenJDK installer packages based on your Operating system.

      • Windows MSI installer packages
      • macOS PKG installer packages
      • Linux RPM and DEB installer packages

    3. Download the ZIP windows distributions
    4. Download AdoptOpenJDK to any directory on windows
    5. Extract the downloaded zip file to your convenient directory.
    6. Example on windows: C:\Avi\tools\

    7. Extract AdoptOpenJDK on windows

    8. Now copy the AdoptOpenJDK bin path C:\Avi\tools\\bin and set the AdoptOpenJDK bin path in the environment path

    9. On windows follow the below steps to set the OpenJDK 15 classpath

    10. Copy the extracted OpenJDK 15's bin path

      Go System Properties and then to Edit the system environmental variables and Click on Environment Variables.
      Edit the windows system environment variable
      Edit the path variable

      Edit the windows system environment PATH variable
      Add path variable if its not already added and click OK to finish

      Add the AdoptOpenJDK bin path
      Go to command prompt and type java -version
      Java -version

      Verify the installed AdoptOpenJDK version on windows
      Congratulations !!! Now you have installed OpenJDK 15 Successfully.

      Read Next :

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