OpenJDK bugs & OpenJDK known Issues :

OpenJDK Developers Guide

All known and fixed OpenJDK Bugs, consolidated. Please refer for details.

OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-8138744 library dependency issue on AIX

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-6533331 Java Installer fails to update/register CurrentVersion and BrowserJavaVersion correctly

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-5109276 Java Update fails if Windows patch is not installed.

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OpenJDK Bug

BugDescription: BugJDK-4235948 Installation of Java Plug-in 1.1.2_001 causes jre command to fail JDK-7053999 Upgrading from 6u25 with modified file fails, breaks installation

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-4337686 Java Plugin 1.3 installer fails during automatic download

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-6764967 Java JRE 1.6u10 installer failed with error 1606 when using "/qb!" switchm

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-8208379 compiler/jvmci/events/ failed with "Got unexpected event count after 2nd install attempt: expected 9 to equal 2"

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OpenJDK Bug

BugDescription: BugJDK-4170928 Installation fails with the latest build of Java Plugin1.1.2 on Windows95/98/NT. JDK-4158461 Installer fails when installing Java Plug-in 1.1.1 over 1.1 in Win95

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OpenJDK Bug

BackportJDK-2026902 Installation of Java Plug-in 1.1.2_001 causes jre command to fail

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OpenJDK Bug

BackportJDK-8175637 [JVMCI] JVMCI initialization with SecurityManager installed fails: access denied

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-8145337 [JVMCI] JVMCI initialization with SecurityManager installed fails: access denied

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OpenJDK Bug

BugDescription: BackportJDK-4031163 Java Workshop 1.0 Build Manager fails if JIT installed. JDK-2216369 Upgrading from 6u25 with modified file fails, breaks installation

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OpenJDK Bug

BackportJDK-2210638 Upgrading from 6u25 with modified file fails, breaks installation

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OpenJDK Bug

BackportJDK-2199021 Java Installer fails to update/register CurrentVersion and BrowserJavaVersion correctly

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-4633680 Installer fails to copy 1.4 java.exe into win systems folder when 1.3 is present

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OpenJDK Bug

BackportDescription: BackportJDK-8226024 compiler/jvmci/events/ failed with "Got unexpected event count after 2nd install attempt: expected 9 to equal 2" JDK-8235232 compiler/jvmci/events/ failed with "Got unexpected event count after 2nd install attempt: expected 9 to equal 2"

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OpenJDK Bug

BackportJDK-8234498 compiler/jvmci/events/ failed with "Got unexpected event count after 2nd install attempt: expected 9 to equal 2"

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-4955508 TEST BUG: regression test com/sun/jdi/ fails on Windows

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-8050838 JRE Install Error in localized Windows 8.1 after join in AD domain

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OpenJDK Bug

BugDescription: BugJDK-6747473 REGRESSION:Installing 64bit JDK, an error message shows when begin the JRE installer JDK-6675949 [WAT] install fails trying to display Close Applications dialog (FilesInUse) on Vista

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-4900326 PIT : J2RE/J2SDK Installation fails on Windows 98 SE

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-6917120 Both SE and J4B 6u18 full builds failed with "Core Build FAILED" after latest PLUS build putback

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-4725211 TEST_BUG: REG-TESTS: javax/sound/midi/Devices/ is invalid

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OpenJDK Bug

BugDescription: BugJDK-4953793 J2SDK 1.4.2_01, 1.4.2_02 fail to install (JVM currently running) on W2000 SP4 JDK-8211012 [Linux] JDK 11, warning when uninstall rpm package "warning: %postun(jdk-11-2000:11-ga.x86_64) scriptlet failed, exit status 2

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-8153391 an image created for "jdk.compiler" fails to run javac

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OpenJDK Bug

EnhancementJDK-6502548 test/Makefile needs to be setup to allow for JPRT testrules (NSK and JCK testing too?)

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-8187220 postinstall fails if there is a space in user name

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OpenJDK Bug

BugDescription: BugJDK-8167063 spurious message "A JNI error has occurred" if start-class cannot be initialized JDK-4262747 Hotspot 2.0:Beta:Build A : Few API tests crashed on Win 95 with Xmixed

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-6651974 JQS reports error messages during uninstall

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-8075409 jre8-40 fails to install on SuSE 11.3

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-8242168 failed due to "RuntimeException: 'In code in NMethod for LingeredAppWithTrivialMain.main' missing from stdout/stderr"

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OpenJDK Bug

BugDescription: BugJDK-4871733 RegTest-test com/sun/jdi/ fails JDK-4776466 CertificateFactory.generateCertificate(InputStream) accepts defective certificat

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-6355791 JCK14a - api TimeZone static test fails for 142_11b1 on Windows 32bit jvm "returns wrong offset"

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-8023347 The case index_AddRemove failed automatically with JDK7u45b06

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-8148167 jdk 8u71 fails to install with no error message

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OpenJDK Bug

BugDescription: BugJDK-4209769 Build_D,-Xcomp,Win95, JCK Test failures JDK-8172444 Javapackager throws NullPointerException for simple CLI hello world test case

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-8158501 [macosx] The checkbox can't be checked via an event generate on the menu.

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-8165721 jmods folder is not auto discovered

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-5027275 TEST_BUG: 30 java/rmi regression tests fail on Windows 98

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OpenJDK Bug

BugDescription: BugJDK-4114883 JAVAX: Regression: URLClassLoader fails to find resources in all cases. JDK-8161986 Selecting 32/64 bit resources failed if user has installed both jre's

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-4445172 Linux: Fatal: JVM can not locate!

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-6221549 TCK-jnlp 1.5: jnlp_file/resources/j2se/index.html#vmArgs hang in some cases.

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-4504389 Optional Package Native Installation doesnot work on IE

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OpenJDK Bug

BugDescription: BugJDK-4451889 java 1.4.0-beta-b61/b63 core dump on x86 and sparc during Solaris 9 CD0 install JDK-8133191 NVDA screen reader and JAWS can't read the "Look and Feel" Selections.

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-8095431 [Bundlers] ant bundling fails with NPE when using file associations

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-8189783 Java Web Start application with file extension association is removed from cache when invoked for the second time from browser

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OpenJDK Bug

TaskJDK-8079141 Investigate deploy registration problems after enabling\disabling Java Content in the browser

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OpenJDK Bug

BugDescription: BugJDK-4302483 SSLException occurs in URLReaderWithOptions example program JDK-5034810 IFTW bundles fail to install on Win98 Second Edition

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-6262486 COMPATIBILITY: jagex_com - Monkey Puzzle applet fails to load

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-6348640 Installer testing for wrong return value from GetExitCodeProcess

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-4149728 JDK 1.2 beta4 does not install the plugin correctly

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OpenJDK Bug

BugDescription: BugJDK-7044885 JavaFX Control Panel does not work JDK-4482236 jdk win32 install sometimes fails if free disk space is tight

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-6634510 Patch in Place fails after installing 6u10 kernel

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-6356475 REGRESSION:"java -X" from cmdline fails

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-8158066 SourceDebugExtensionTest fails to rename file

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OpenJDK Bug

BugDescription: BackportJDK-8147444 compiler/jsr292/NonInlinedCall/ fails with NullPointerException in ClassFileInstaller JDK-8000627 Webstart failed to run with applet-desc and with no-caching

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-7197892 Webstart failed to run with applet-desc and with no-caching

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OpenJDK Bug

EnhancementJDK-8210274 Source Launcher should work with a security manager

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-8079360 AttachProviderImpl could not be instantiated

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OpenJDK Bug

BugDescription: BugJDK-6908502 deployJava.installLatestJRE() does not work sometimes - download problems JDK-4701347 Postinstall script fails for SUNWj3rt & SUNWj3dev packages.

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-6258153 Regression test fails on WinXP with Mustang

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-4834070 J2RE (first time) installation fails on Win2003 EE

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-8036756 5u65b09 windows jdk installer fails with internal error:2705

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OpenJDK Bug

EnhancementDescription: BugJDK-4503105 RFE: Windows Executable (Setup) of WebStart 1.0.1_01 is not signed JDK-6960126 With GTK L&F JDesktopPane substitutes set desktop manager

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-6639344 Getting installation errors when choosing not to install demos and samples on 6u4-b10

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-6713144 PIT:Double entries in Java Cache Viewer/Applications for javaws -import install_demo.jnlp

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-4262731 Hotspot 2.0:Beta:Build A : 2 net tests failed on Win NT

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OpenJDK Bug

BugDescription: BugJDK-8029851 Beginning w/ 6u65, signed oracle applet is refused to run with security warning. JDK-5020165 Testing of iftw installation through direct connection is not possible

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-4409877 Linux install script fails on install into path which contains spaces

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OpenJDK Bug

EnhancementJDK-4431060 Installer quits when run as restricted user in windows 2000

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-6311182 REGRESSION: CTE_REGTEST/Generic/4755476, badfonts.txt is not created, mustang

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OpenJDK Bug

BugDescription: BugJDK-8230294 runtime/cds/appcds/ failed with jar operation failed JDK-6589924 PIT : Unable to change/modify the jdk installation

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-4171606 Not able to install JRE for I build on Win NT, Win 95 with jdk12.exe

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-4633164 trailing '\' in Windows installation directory breaks JPI Control Panel

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-8222500 runtime/8176717/ failed with java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: /tmp/communication7071713601211876892.txt

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OpenJDK Bug

BugDescription: BugJDK-8215446 JPackageCreateInstallerInstallDirTest fails on OLE7 JDK-4212721 BasicDirectoryModel fileCache null reference

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-4281250 Beta : Build G : 1 jck test failed with -Xcomp.

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-6340494 CTE_REGTEST/Generic/4904444, test instruction error, mustang

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-4262750 Hotspot 2.0:Beta:Build A : 1 SS test failed on Win NT & 95 with Xmixed

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OpenJDK Bug

BugDescription: BugJDK-8166305 Remove applet code JDK-4049223 JDK does not convert kanji to unicode in system properties

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-4264766 HotSpot 2.0 Beta build A : 3 calendar tests fail with runtime exception.

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-6750054 Java control panel can't be launched in true 64bit JRE on 64bit OS

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OpenJDK Bug

BugDescription: BugJDK-6398636 Vista: JRE 5.0u8 installation failed with 1722 MSI error JDK-4239566 1.3c1 : Build D : java -version causes NullPointer Exception on Win 95

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-8194718 Verification Applet from can not be loaded fine with some exceptions

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-8228434 jdk/net/Sockets/ fails after JDK-8227642

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-8005939 sun/security/x509/{X509CRLImplX509CertImpl}/ fail in confusing way when some providers not present

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OpenJDK Bug

BugDescription: BugJDK-6354054 Can't create shortcuts on Solaris when application's name have a '#'. JDK-8206258 [Test Error] sun/security/pkcs11 tests fail if NSS libs not found

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-6224405 REGRESSION: wrong time stamp for plugin dll files on Win98(2nd)

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-4909553 Missing doPrivileged() in sun.text.NormalizerImpl

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-4433689 Windows95, fails to load ../jdk1.4/jre/bin/hotspot/jvm.dll

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OpenJDK Bug

BugDescription: BugJDK-4962201 PIT 11 : Preload failed message is displayed after j2re installation JDK-8207143 jpackager fails to parse file associations

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-6347725 PIT Jre1.4.X autodownload test fail with an exception

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-6915950 sun.kernel.SwingMinTest fails with UnsatisfiedLinkError. awt.dll: procedure could not be found

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-6639529 help page does not open on installation failure

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OpenJDK Bug

BugDescription: BugJDK-5051865 1.3.1_12b03 JDK & JRE install errors JDK-6428573 java.exe: This application has failed to start because jli.dll was not found

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-7166866 (TM) should be going away in license windows in EULA scenario

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-6363986 Missing resource strings cause applet to fail.

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-4281245 Beta : Build G : 2 jck tests failed.

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OpenJDK Bug

BugDescription: BugJDK-4156680 jdk117d - regression test failure: io\Serializable\Evolution\RenamePackage\insta JDK-8093714 crash with MacPkgBundler

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-4496923 Regression test:/java/util/Locale/ failed

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-8095184 Firefox, Chrome: installed java is not recoginized when loading Javafx applet via DT flow

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-8239566 gtest/ fails due to " open failed: No such file or directory"

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OpenJDK Bug

BugDescription: BugJDK-6186146 Linux installation docs and RPM installation process disagree JDK-4097336 RMIFailureHandler doc comment is incorrect (so is spec)

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-4412291 Java 2 Runtime Environment Setup Failed With a return Code of -1

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-8127240 Windows\SysWOW64\javaws.exe from jre6 is not updated and cannot launch javafx application after insalling javafx runtime

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OpenJDK Bug

EnhancementJDK-4364782 Extension-Installation fails because of limitations in jar utility

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OpenJDK Bug

BugDescription: BugJDK-8188897 java/rmi/registry/reexport/ failed with Port already in use JDK-6315261 REGRESSION: is failing with 1.4.2_10-b01 and passing with 1.4.2_09-b05

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-8159363 Swing_JTextFormattedTextField/Automated/BehaviorOnFocusLostTest fails

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-8159358 Swing_DnD/Automated/JEP2JTFDnDTest fails as text selected in JEditorPane isn't copied to a non-empty JTextField

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-4267941 Beta Build B : 2 thread tests failed with thread.hpp, 238 assert.

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OpenJDK Bug

BugDescription: BugJDK-6948712 test/java/rmi/registry/classPathCodebase/ fails with modules build JDK-8222098 tools/jlink/plugins/ time out

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-8222100 tools/jimage/ time out

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-6676757 Kernel missing javaws.jar

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-6697660 Multiple JCK tests fails with java.lang.IllegalStateException for 6u10 b23

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OpenJDK Bug

BugDescription: BugJDK-8106433 dtfx.js should not automatically redirect the user to the install page JDK-4453446 install fails, J2SE JRE, v 1.4.0 build 62 on German Win2000

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-4423551 REGRESSION :Incorrect registry setting for 1.3.0_02 JRE intall

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-8066376 There is option labeled as 'Suppress sponsors offers when installing or updating Java' under 'Miscellaneous' section.

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-8066375 There is option labeled as 'Suppress sponsors offers when installing or updating Java' under 'Miscellaneous' section.

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OpenJDK Bug

BugDescription: BugJDK-4329778 Installtion of Java plugins 1.2 on Solaris 8 fails JDK-4849094 REGRESSION:Two Jaws shortcuts created when you install j2re1.4.2 and then j2re1.

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-4262733 Hotspot 2.0:Beta:Build A : 3 JS tests failed on Win 98 with Xmixed

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-4262721 Hotspot 2.0:Beta:Build A : 2 benchmark tests failed on Win 95 and NT with X

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-4184211 BETA1 : BUILD_B : WIN 95 : Xcomp : Assertion failure, runtime.cpp, 1567#

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OpenJDK Bug

BugDescription: BugJDK-5024690 older MS products, such as VC++, can break Sun Java as default VM in IE on winxp JDK-8223194 runtime/Shutdown/ due to "OutOfMemoryError: Java heap too small"

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-8130390 Applet fails to launch on virtual desktop

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-4184209 BETA1 : BUILD_B : WIN 95 : Xcomp : Assertion failure, phaseX.cpp, 269#

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OpenJDK Bug

BugDescription: BugCODETOOLS-4730538 RegressionScript.testClassPath() returns invalid path to tools.jar JDK-4028866 WIN NT: Failed to launch hotjava on freshly-installed NT system

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-4439908 Regression: install fails, J2SE RE 1.3.1 RC1 International on German Win2000 &ME

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-6319835 regression test java/awt/FontClass/ fails

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OpenJDK Bug

EnhancementJDK-6399468 Proper error message should be thrown when the jdk/ jre installation is not successful

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OpenJDK Bug

BugDescription: BugJDK-4767766 Linux(32-bit): Plugin Control Panel does not work with rpm installation JDK-8022794 Can't update JDK 8 on Windows 7 64-bit

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-4282271 Beta : Build G : 1 lang runtime test failed in -Xcomp.

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-4281237 Beta : Build G : 1 jck test crashed with -Xcomp in assert in os_win32.cpp, 729

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-6569156 Java Kernel not working in Vista - Component installation Error

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OpenJDK Bug

BugDescription: BugJDK-8164634 Registered JREs match to different 'osname' JDK-8189209 java/lang/invoke/lambda/ failed with "could not create proxy classes"

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-6634145 Adding a JRE entry to the Javaws runtime pops up "Java Plug-in Settings Changed" dialog

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-4338642 Optional Package test fails on Merlin build-8 and build-12 plugin

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-8003241 Javafx applications fails to load using 7u10 co-bundle on IE browser

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OpenJDK Bug

BugDescription: BugJDK-4483927 startup -d64 will fail with merlin b72 JDK-6225348 JavaUpdate fails while update from one version to another on win98 only

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-4499731 J2sdk/J2re installer for b78 can't work properly on Windows ME, 98 and 95.

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-4698556 Problem with install of JDK(Hopper) on Win32 with insufficient disk space

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-4217619 Netscape & Plugin on mounted file system can't find proper VM

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OpenJDK Bug

BugDescription: BugJDK-4809430 SUNWj3rt problem with install in S9u3 due to missing Xsever packages. JDK-8125839 Window ico files causes packaging errors

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-4948850 com/sun/jdi/ fails on Win2003 with 1.4.1_06

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-5054284 problems in

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-6304542 JCK 6.0: api/java_awt/geom/Area/index.html#TransformTesttestCase2[testCase2] failed, mustang, regr

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OpenJDK Bug

BugDescription: BugJDK-8168517 java/lang/ProcessBuilder/ failed with "java.lang.AssertionError: Some tests failed" JDK-4382526 Extension Installer Test case Failed (Build 12)

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-8127121 Gtk: FX doesn't start on Linux when a Stage is shown without a Scene

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-8240881 [BACKOUT] 8222489 jcmd VM.system_properties gives unusable paths on Windows

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OpenJDK Bug

EnhancementJDK-8133682 javapackager should have an option to include a more complete embedded JRE

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OpenJDK Bug

BugDescription: BugJDK-6795125 api/javax_swing/JViewport/index.html#setgetXXX JCK test fails starting from JDK 1.5.0_17b08(j4b) JDK-6562603 J2SE keyword should be removed

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-6385277 testcase 4774166 is failing on Linux but passing on Solaris and Windows with Tiger JDKS.

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-8163274 [TEST_BUG][macosx] apparent regression: javax/swing/JColorChooser/

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-4378551 The ladybird installation will fail at second time in linux platform.

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OpenJDK Bug

BugDescription: BugCODETOOLS-7901946 javadoc cannot be generated with the latest jdk9-ea build JDK-4766176 Win32: mantis JRE installation fails when there are locked files

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-4864917 test/java/awt/font/FontNames/ is failing sometimes on windows.

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-4885319 PIT: awt printing in Win2k, GB18030 locale failed

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-6429473 Nightly build for all platforms have failed

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OpenJDK Bug

BugDescription: BugJDK-4127510 HotSpot: Call to setlength in DataIntegrity IO test fails JDK-6831098 1 JCK test start to fail after using of tzupdater 1.3.14 b01

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-4494375 Uninstall shield for j2re bundled in j2sdk can't work on WinodwsME

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-4121004 Problems installing JDK and Winsock2.dll

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-8207766 [testbug] Adapt tests for Aix.

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OpenJDK Bug

BugDescription: BugJDK-8235738 [macos] tools/jpackage tests timeout on macOS JDK-6737722 api/java_awt/TrayIcon/index.html#TrayIconHeadlessMode

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-8039347 8u20 Patch Installer Failure

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-8214582 RuntimeException: Could not detect port from ''

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-4750479 Win32: Plugin demos fail in Netscape 6 when both NS 6 and NS 7 are installed

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OpenJDK Bug

BugDescription: BugJDK-8187906 Windows Registry Key Changes Omitted from JDK 9 Migration Guide JDK-4696091 Failed to download JRE/JWS with jinstall through secure proxy server

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-4407532 java policy file is not recognised by Java Plugin Merlin build 48

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-8211287 fails due to "Unable to map MiscData shared space at required address."

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-6852858 Installation of (jdk1.7.0b199) partially failed on solaris10 sparc

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OpenJDK Bug

BugDescription: BugJDK-6520670 1.5.0_11 installer writes wrong JavaHome value in Windows registry JDK-8226191 jpackager --license-file option broken on windows for jdk installers.

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-4849748 REGRESSION: plugin sets Microsoft JVM version to 3802

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-8205054 Could not find "lsof" on test machine

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-4187269 beta1_c,-Xint,NT,K-Wiz server crashes on startup

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OpenJDK Bug

BugDescription: BugJDK-8168108 lib/classlist should be packaged in java.base.jmod JDK-8030950 TEST_BUG: java/rmi/registry/classPathCodebase/ failing intermittently

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-8175053 Mach 5 builds failed on Windows/install repo after JDK-8173207

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-4283624 Beta : Build G : 1 JCK AWT Swing test failed with -repeat flag.

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-6357134 Capital letters in mime types cause errors in gnome.

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OpenJDK Bug

BugDescription: BugJDK-8191052 [Graal] java/lang/invoke/ intermittently fails with "Failed dependency of type call_site_target_value" when running with Graal as JIT JDK-8240711 failed due to "ExportException: Port already in use:"

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-8225425 java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: net.dll: Can't find dependent libraries

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-8239569 failed due to NPE in java.base/java.nio.file.FileSystems.getFileSystem(

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-5042308 The Java GNOME support on Solaris should not depend on package install order.

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OpenJDK Bug

BugDescription: BugJDK-8166957 JRE 8u101 installation fails in SUSE 11 SP4 with error: /usr/sbin/alternatives: No such file or directory JDK-4854012 Windows i586 installation can be uninstalled using the windows ia64 bundle

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-8032229 [TEST_BUG] The app failed automatically and it threw exception:java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException.

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-8128706 DT- JRE7 Auto download issue

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-4721212 Regression: test/java/util/Locale/ is failing

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OpenJDK Bug

BugDescription: BugJDK-6576052 Application Launch failed after Webstart driven JRE installation JDK-8020828 Incorrect jdk function call is used in jre installer

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-6663621 JVM crashes while trying to execute api/java_security/Signature/SignatureTests.html#initSign tests.

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-4972526 SUNWj5rt pkgadd -R fails when platform of server/client are not the same.

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-8165298 No "Java" tab can be found in the Java Control Panel

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OpenJDK Bug

BugDescription: BugJDK-4360423 plugin gets loaded when disabled in control panel JDK-4205942 Java Plug-in fails to read user preference when running in NS 4.5 on Win32

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-6360630 TESTBUG:Testcase 6218874 is looking for readme.html in jre/javaws on amd64 windows

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-8198405 & failed in Windows.

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-8214151 [TESTBUG] fails due to RuntimeException: 'protection domain unlinked' missing

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OpenJDK Bug

BugDescription: BugJDK-4763539 Win32: mantis SDK/JRE installer fails when there is no internet connection JDK-4511344 JCK1.4: api/javax_crypto/..., plugin, WindowsNT

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-6795027 occasional build failure in sun.jkernel.DownloadManager.println

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-8019246 Java Uninstall Tool loads and runs but fails to return result after 30+ minutes.

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-8224642 Test sun/tools/jcmd/ fails: Bad file descriptor

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OpenJDK Bug

BugDescription: BugJDK-4721197 Regression: test/java/util/Locale/ is failing. JDK-4879307 Random date/time attributes produced in jars through unpack breaks Java Update

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-8227594 sadebugd/ fails due to "java.rmi.NotBoundException: SARemoteDebugger"

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-6774258 api/java_awt/Component/index.html#PaintUpdate fails randomly

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-6937703 java/net regression test issues with samevm

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OpenJDK Bug

BugDescription: BugJDK-4184206 BETA1 : BUILD_B :WIN NT & 95:Xmixed: Assertion failure, generateOopMap.cpp, 958# JDK-4531240 linux bundles should Require cp and mkdir to be installed

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-4105248 IOException in font code prevents AWT initialization

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-8241695 JFR child process exited with SIGQUIT (131)

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-6317060 Manual Regression test 4974531 instructions need modification

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OpenJDK Bug

BugDescription: BugJDK-4105068 JDK 1.1.5 install tries to install wrong winsock 2 on Win98! JDK-4355034 ControlPnl dosent recognize any runtime parameters on Kest-Solaris & Kest-linux

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-8226534 combination of windows options cause exception in MsiBundler

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-4184210 BETA1 : BUILD_B : WIN 95 : Xcomp : Assertion failure, runtime.cpp, 1504#

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-4184213 BETA1:BUILD_B:WIN 95 & NT:Xmixed : Assertion failure, vframeArrayOop.cpp, 168#

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OpenJDK Bug

EnhancementDescription: BugJDK-8191930 [Graal] emits unparseable XML into compile log JDK-4380155 serialization tests should not write files into 'test.src' directory

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-6569133 Installing Optional Packages failing with Kernel JRE

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-4347855 unix: Random Segmentation Violation in AWT Native Interface

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-4137507 Problems with JDK1.2beta3 on WinNT 4.0

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OpenJDK Bug

BugDescription: BugJDK-8115167 Packager will no longer builder application bundle or installer on Ubuntu since b75 JDK-4191635 Beta1 : Stylepad crash

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-8165297 No "Select Folder" button display on the dialog.

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-4267160 Beta Build B : Javasoft Constructor test failed.

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-8007149 Uninstall Applet failed to launch, it throws a Invalid public key

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OpenJDK Bug

BugDescription: BugJDK-4281233 Beta : Build G : 3 jck tests crashed with -Xcomp in assert in chaitin.hpp, 73 JDK-4468969 installer extension w/ codebase on non-default port does not work

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-6615759 Application/Applets fails often with slow modem connection.

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-8158210 No invalid entry associated deployment.javaws.jre.2 shows in

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-5073951 jdk1.5.0/bin/unpack200 requires GLIBC_2.2.4

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OpenJDK Bug

BugDescription: BugJDK-4764293 regression: test/java/awt/font/FontNames/ fails. JDK-4780216 regression: java/awt/font/FontNames/ fails in ja locale.

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-8133862 Incorrect copyright year associated with the key 'NSHumanReadableCopyright' for JRE8u66

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-6910851 Incorrect copyright info for 6u18b06 installation.

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-5084556 Regression: Java icon isn't updated to 1.5.0_01 on Win98 only

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OpenJDK Bug

BugDescription: BugJDK-4702499 Linux(64): License Agreement does'nt show up in SHELL SCRIPT bundles of JDK,JRE JDK-4184208 BETA1 : BUILD_B : WIN 95 : Xmixed : Assertion failure, parse1.cpp, 422#

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-8163583 [macosx] Press "To Back" button on the Dialog,the Dialog moves behind the Frame

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-4650666 1.4.0_02 nightly build failed with ld: fatal: Symbol referencing errors.

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-4181224 Regression test server/RMIClassLoader/useGetURLs/ failing

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OpenJDK Bug

BugDescription: BugJDK-8066384 Step 22:there is no 'javaplugin.vm.options = -Xmx256m' shown in java console. JDK-8066382 Step 22:there is no 'javaplugin.vm.options = -Xmx256m' shown in java console.

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-8066381 Step 22:there is no 'javaplugin.vm.options = -Xmx256m' shown in java console.

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-8066390 Step 22:there is no 'javaplugin.vm.options = -Xmx256m' shown in java console.

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-8066389 Step 22:there is no 'javaplugin.vm.options = -Xmx256m' shown in java console.

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OpenJDK Bug

BugDescription: BugJDK-8066388 Step 22:there is no 'javaplugin.vm.options = -Xmx256m' shown in java console. JDK-8066386 Step 22:there is no 'javaplugin.vm.options = -Xmx256m' shown in java console.

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-8066385 Step 22:there is no 'javaplugin.vm.options = -Xmx256m' shown in java console.

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-6992533 JDK7 PIT: Not able to set runtime params/args using Java control panel

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-8051972 sun/security/pkcs11/ec/ fails intermittently

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OpenJDK Bug

BugDescription: BugJDK-8058959 closed/java/awt/event/ComponentEvent/MovedResizedTwiceTest/ failed automatically JDK-4091239 Sun package makes calls into provider

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-6859935 REGRESSION: Settings are missing in JCP/Advanced tab on windows

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-8096281 [Bundlers] LinuxRPMBundler fails to run with LICENSE_FILES param specified

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-6229965 Testcases for CurrencyFormat and ValidateISo4217 needs to be updated for new Turkish currency

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OpenJDK Bug

BugDescription: BugJDK-4766039 Win32: mantis J2RE installer does not register with IE and NS6 on silent install JDK-4224008 Old version of msvcrt.dll installed by the plugin

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-6625218 Manual and Auto java update are not working

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-8066404 The case is failed automatically and thrown the "java.lang.IllegalStateException" exception

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-8038944 LinuxRPMBundler fails to run with LICENSE_FILES param specified

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OpenJDK Bug

BugDescription: BugJDK-4288269 RC-1 : build B : One net test in JCK crashed in stress mode. JDK-4415837 Regression: lib/ext directory is not created during the first plugin install

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-6711144 JRE offline installers pinging method=XX, oldver=NA and missing pings from online installer

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-8206445 failed in Windows

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-4773411 Win32: mantis installation proceeds when there is insufficient disk space

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OpenJDK Bug

BugDescription: BugJDK-4774392 AssertionError when loading applet using JVM-option "-esa" JDK-6209613 REGRESSION: Error during installation of SUNWj6rt package in Solaris x86/amd64

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-4184204 BETA1 : BUILD_B : WIN NT & 95 : Xmixed : Assertion failure, connode.cpp, 125#

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-6272402 The "About Java" dialog pops along with 2 other dialogs on Sol/Linux

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OpenJDK Bug

BugDescription: BugJDK-4799561 JDK 1.4 lacks provides for: jaxp_parser_impl and xml-commons-apis JDK-6868485 Issues with applets trying to access eventqueue when run with new Plug-in

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-4203672 Java Plug-in 1.2 for NS crashes with bad EMBED tag ....

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-5101590 4936784 testcase is failing for 1.4.2_06-b02 on itanium2 windows 2003SE.

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-7023056 NPE from during Maven build

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OpenJDK Bug

BugDescription: BugJDK-4354091 some permission tests failed on Merlin build b-22 JDK-4185309 STD: JDB doesn't support file names with spaces

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-8023994 Right click on the icon added to the system tray for the first time, java.lang.IllegalArgumentException thrown.

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-4389955 Incorrect registry entry name of JRE is set in Chinese system

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-4696907 Plugin Registry key is corrupted on dirty install of hopper over merlin. UPDATED

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OpenJDK Bug

BugDescription: BugJDK-4760732 Sol64: j2sdk1.4.2/lib folder overwritten during install of 64bit j2sdk sh bundle JDK-4265300 Required extensions listed in applet manifest

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-4995299 Test bug: 4182052 CTE_REGTEST testcase fails for 1.3.1_09+

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-8123249 BrickBreaker & BouncingBalls samples are not visible after the launch

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-7022938 New Java Plug-in occasionally fails to load first applet of two on IE 6

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OpenJDK Bug

BugDescription: BugJDK-4203624 Java Plug-in for NS on WIn32 should read IE proxy setting if fails. JDK-4734690 Java Plug-in 1.1.3_007 Control Panel Not Starting on WinNT

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-4850134 Document 16-bit display system req. for Solaris x86, as mentioned in 4848272

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-6343024 NullPointerException while trying to launch/import a "component extension"

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OpenJDK Bug

BugJDK-8119010 Unable to launch JavaFX 8 sample via invoking the application jar file directly

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OpenJDK Bug

EnhancementDescription: BugJDK-5048196 installation documentation fails to mention multiple JREs in typical JDK install JDK-4162150 Regression test EmbeddedFrame/Xm failing on solaris with JDK1.2fcs-C .
