Microsoft OpenJDK 11: Download, Installation and Comparison | Guide

OpenJDK Developers Guide

Quick guide to download and install Microsoft OpenJDK on Windows.

What is OpenJDK

OpenJDK is the short form of Open Java Development Kit similar to Oracle's Java Development Kit used to develop Java Applications. Main difference between Oracle JDK and OpenJDK is that OpenJDK is free for all while Oracle Java Development Kit or Oracle JDK requires commercial license. For more details refer openjdk vs oracle jdk

If you want to know more about OpenJDK, you can go through Open Java Development Kit Quick guide.

Note: To uninstall previously installed OpenJDK please refer Uninstall OpenJDK Windows

Java is a popular programming language used to develop web applications, desktop applications, and mobile apps. One of the most important components of Java is the Java Development Kit (JDK), which includes a set of tools necessary for developing and running Java applications.

Microsoft OpenJDK 11 is a popular JDK alternative that offers many benefits over other JDK options. In this article, we will cover how to download, install, and compare Microsoft OpenJDK 11 with OpenJDK.

Step #1: Downloading Microsoft OpenJDK 11

There are many OpenJDK vendors out there in the market ( here is the OpenJDK Vendors List ), you can download OpenJDK from AdoptOpenJDK, Redhat OpenJDK, Zulu OpenJDK or from Community OpenJDK.

Below are the steps to download and install microsoft OpenJDK. If you would like to install OpenJDK from other vendors please refer :

Download and install Microsoft OpenJDK

To install windows OpenJDK, all you have to do is, Download the latest Microsoft OpenJDK 11 zip/tar file and unzip to a convenient directory on you windows machine. Set the path to downloaded Microsoft OpenJDK 11 bin directory in the Path Variable.

Here is the step by step procedure to download and install the latest Microsoft OpenJDK 11 on Windows 10 / Windows 8 / Windows 7.

  1. Go to

  2. Under Generally-available (GA) builds section you will find the Generally-available packages files as shown below

  3. OpenJDK 11.0.11 builds

    Download and install microsoft OpenJDK 11

    OpenJDK 16.0.01 builds

    Download and install microsoft OpenJDK 16

  4. Download the zip / tar / msi distributions of you choice from the above build list.

  5. OpenJDK 11.0.11 binaries:

    Platform Type Download Link
    Linux x64 tar.gz microsoft-jdk-
    macOS x64 tar.gz microsoft-jdk-
    macOS x64 pkg microsoft-jdk-
    Windows x64 zip
    Windows x64 msi microsoft-jdk-

    OpenJDK 16.0.01 binaries:

    Platform Type Download Link
    Linux x64 tar.gz microsoft-jdk-16.0.01-linux-x64.tar
    macOS x64 tar.gz microsoft-jdk-16.0.01-macos-x64.tar.gz
    macOS x64 pkg microsoft-jdk-16.0.01-macos-x64.pkg
    Windows x64 zip
    Windows x64 msi microsoft-jdk-16.0.01-windows-x64.msi

    Step #2: Installing Microsoft OpenJDK 11

  6. Extract the downloaded zip / tar file to your convenient directory.

  7. Example on windows: C:\Avi\tools\jdk-11

  8. Extract OpenJDK 11 and copy bin path

    Step #3: Configure

  9. Based on your operating system, set the OpenJDK 11 bin path in the environment path

  10. On windows follow the below steps to set the OpenJDK 11 classpath

  11. Copy the extracted OpenJDK 11's bin path


    Go System Properties and then to Edit the system environmental variables and Click on Environment Variables.

    Edit the windows system environment variable

    Edit the path variable

    Edit the windows system environment PATH variable

    Add path variable if its not already added and click OK to finish

    Add the OpenJDK 11 bin path

    Step #4: Verify

    Once the Microsoft OpenJDK Download and installation is complete, we can verify the installed OpenJDK version using Command Prompt.

    Click on Windows Search Button and type cmd and then click on command prompt shortcut.
    Go to command prompt and type java -version
    The above command prints the OpenJDK version you installed.

    Java -version

    Verify the installed OpenJDK 11 version on windows

    Congratulations !!! Now you have installed microsoft OpenJDK 11 Successfully.

    Microsoft OpenJDK vs OpenJDK

    Microsoft OpenJDK is a high-performance, production-ready distribution of OpenJDK that is optimized for Windows Server and Azure. It offers several benefits over other JDK options, including improved performance, reliability, and security. In addition, it provides automatic updates and long-term support, making it an excellent choice for enterprise-level applications.

    Feature Microsoft OpenJDK OpenJDK
    License GPLv2 with classpath exception GPLv2 with classpath exception
    Long-term support Yes, with automatic updates No official long-term support
    Optimization Optimized for Windows Server and Azure Not optimized for any specific platform
    Security Regular security updates and bug fixes Regular security updates and bug fixes
    Tools and Features Includes Azure-specific tools and features Includes a standard set of Java tools and features
    Integration with Azure Seamless integration with Azure services May require additional configuration for Azure integration
    Community Support Official support from Microsoft Community-driven support
    Platform Support Windows, Linux, and macOS Windows, Linux, and macOS
    Installation Process Simple installation process for Windows and Linux Standard installation process for all platforms
    Versioning Aligned with Oracle's JDK release cycle Aligned with OpenJDK's release cycle

    Step #6: OpenJDK Known Issues

    Note: Here is the list of OpenJDK known-issues OpenJDK Known Issues
