Mastering Java Development: Zulu JDK vs. OpenJDK and Other JDKs - Choosing the Perfect Fit for Your Projects

Difference between Zulu OpenJDK vs OpenJDK

What is OpenJDK

OpenJDK is the short form of Open Java Development Kit similar to Oracle's Java Development Kit used to develop Java Applications. Main difference between Oracle JDK and OpenJDK is that OpenJDK is free for all while Oracle Java Development Kit or Oracle JDK requires commercial license.

OpenJDK vs Oracle JDK

OpenJDK is the open source implementation of the Java Platform Standard Edition and is free to use with General Public License Version 2 ; GPLv2. OpenJDK 7 is the reference implementation of the Java SE 7 Specification. For more details you can refer the official Java SE 7 specification from Java Community Process here.

OpenJDK 7 was released on 28th July 2011,Since decision to Open Source JDK came late in the life cycle of the development of JDK 6, JDK 7 was first released as open source. Since Java SE 6 was needed as well, to maintain backword compatibility OpenJDK 6 was released by removing the OpenJDK 7 features inappropriate for a Java SE 6 specification.

Community OpenJDK source code can be downloaded from Mercurial repository

OpenJDK developer's guide and openjdk documentation is available at the official OpenJDK website.

What is Zulu OpenJDK ?

Azul Zulu OpenJDK is the Commercial Open Java Development Kit Developed by Azul Systems. Similar to Oracle's Java Development Kit, Zulu Openjdk installation is simple and for Production Zulu OpenJDK needs subscription. However, All Zulu Community distributions of OpenJDK are free to download and use without restrictions. Unlike any other OpenJDK vendors, Zulu openjdk has plans to commertial support java 9,13, and 15.

Azul Zulu JDK: A Stable and Secure Java Runtime Environment

Java has been one of the most popular programming languages in the world for more than two decades. It is used to develop a wide range of applications, from mobile and desktop to enterprise and web applications. However, with the increasing complexity and demands of modern software development, it has become more important than ever to have a reliable, stable, and secure Java runtime environment.

This is where Azul Zulu JDK comes in. Azul Zulu is a build of OpenJDK, which is an open-source implementation of the Java platform. It is specifically designed to be an enterprise-grade build of OpenJDK, providing long-term support, security updates, and performance optimizations.

One of the key features of Azul Zulu is its long-term support (LTS) releases. These releases are supported for a minimum of five years, with security updates and bug fixes being provided for the entire duration of the support period. This means that organizations can rely on Azul Zulu for their Java applications without having to worry about compatibility issues or security vulnerabilities.

Another important feature of Azul Zulu is its focus on security. Azul Zulu includes security enhancements and bug fixes that are not present in the standard OpenJDK build. This means that applications running on Azul Zulu are more secure and less vulnerable to attacks than those running on the standard OpenJDK build.

In addition to its security features, Azul Zulu also includes performance optimizations that can significantly improve the performance of Java applications. This is achieved through the use of Azul's custom Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler, which is designed to optimize Java code for specific hardware architectures.

Azul Zulu is available for a wide range of platforms and architectures, including Windows, Linux, macOS, ARM, and x86. This makes it easy for developers and organizations to deploy their Java applications on a variety of platforms without having to worry about compatibility issues.

Overall, Azul Zulu is a stable and secure Java runtime environment that is ideal for enterprise-grade Java applications. Its long-term support, security enhancements, and performance optimizations make it a popular choice among many large organizations, including IBM, Amazon, and SAP, among others.

What is Azul Zulu used for ?

Azul Zulu is a build of OpenJDK, which is an open-source implementation of the Java programming language. Azul Zulu is specifically designed to be an enterprise-grade build of OpenJDK, providing long-term support, security updates, and performance optimizations.

Azul Zulu is used for developing and running Java applications in enterprise environments, where reliability, security, and performance are critical factors. It provides developers and organizations with a stable, secure, and up-to-date Java runtime environment that can be used across a wide range of platforms and architectures.

Azul Zulu is used in a variety of industries, including finance, healthcare, telecommunications, and e-commerce, among others. It is also used by many large enterprises, including IBM, Amazon, and SAP, among others.

For more information, visit official zulu website

Zulu Openjdk vs OpenJDK

Zulu OpenJDK
  • Zulu OpenJDK is based on OpenJDK.

  • Zulu is a commercial implementation of OpenJDK offered by Azul.
  • Zulu is known for high stability and performance.
  • Zulu uses its own C4 Garbage Collector.

  • Azul offers commercial support and timely updates for Zulu.

  • Open Source and 100% freely available. Azul Zulu provides free quaterly Multiplatform builds

  • Multiple installers and packages ( tar, deb, msi, dmg, jdk/jres)

  • Java Flight Recorder and Mission Control ( for java 8)

  • Where to Download Zulu OpenJDK ? We can download Zulu OpenJDK from Zulu OpenJDK

  • OpenJDK is developed, maintained and Supported by Oracle and OpenJDK community.
    OpenJDKinitially was donated to public by Sun Microystems.

  • OpenJDK is an open-source project sponsored by Oracle.
  • OpenJDK may have varying levels of stability and performance.
  • OpenJDK has its own Garbage Collectors.
  • OpenJDK does not offer commercial support but receives contributions from a large community.
  • Open Source and 100% freely available.

  • No msi, dmg installers and deb packages

  • Java Flight Recorder available in OpenJDK 11

  • Where to Download OpenJDK ? We can download OpenJDK community version at the below site. You can also download OpenJDK from AdoptOpenJDK which provides an open and reproducible build and test system for OpenJDK source across multiple platforms. AdoptOpenJDK provides OpenJDK binaries for the Java ecosystem.

AdoptOpenJDK vs Zulu Comparison

AdoptOpenJDK is a community-driven distribution of OpenJDK, sponsored by companies such as Microsoft, IBM, and Red Hat. AdoptOpenJDK is known for its frequent builds, with releases typically every 3-6 months. It offers various options for garbage collection, including the popular Z Garbage Collector. AdoptOpenJDK is released under the GPLv2 with Classpath Exception license, with some builds also available under the OpenJDK Binary Code License. Support for AdoptOpenJDK is primarily community-driven, with optional paid support available from third-party providers.

AdoptOpenJDK Zulu
Company/Organization Community-driven, sponsored by Microsoft and others Azul Systems
Licensing GPLv2 with Classpath Exception, some builds also available under OpenJDK Binary Code License GPLv2 with Classpath Exception, commercial license also available
Garbage Collection Various options including Z Garbage Collector C4 Garbage Collector
Release Cycle Multiple builds per day, with releases typically every 3-6 months Multiple builds per day, with LTS releases every 2-3 years
Support Community-driven with optional paid support from third-party providers Commercial support and timely updates available from Azul
Mission Control Optional download from Oracle website Included with Zulu builds

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