Installing OpenJDK 6 on Ubuntu

OpenJDK Developers Guide

In this guide, we will see how to download and install OpenJDK 6 on Ubuntu. - OpenJDK Community Version

What is OpenJDK

OpenJDK is the short form of Open Java Development Kit similar to Oracle's Java Development Kit used to develop Java Applications. Main difference between Oracle JDK and OpenJDK is that OpenJDK is free for all while Oracle Java Development Kit or Oracle JDK requires commercial license.For more details refer openjdk vs oracle jdk

If you want to know more about OpenJDK, you can go through Open Java Development Kit Quick guide.

Note: To uninstall previously installed OpenJDK please refer Uninstall openJDK ubuntu

Step #1: Download

To get Ubuntu Java 6, Go to and download the OpenJDK 6 Ubuntu tar distribution openjdk-7u75-b13-linux-x64-18_dec_2014.tar.gz. Here is the quick lik to download the OpenJDK 6 Ubuntu tar file openjdk-7u75-b13-linux-x64-18_dec_2014.tar.gz

Step #2: Install

To Install OpenJDK 6 Ubuntu Java Runtime Or install jre ubuntu - Enter the below command on Ubuntu command line.

$ sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jre

The openjdk-6-jre package contains just the Java Runtime Environment. If you want to develop Java programs then please install the openjdk-6-jdk package.
To Install OpenJDK 6 Ubuntu Java Development Kit (JDK) or install jdk 6 ubuntu - Enter the below command on Ubuntu command line.

$ sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jdk

Step #3: Configure / SET JAVA_HOME Path

Once the above steps are successfully completed , we need to set the "JAVA_HOME" and "PATH" environment variables. Enter the following commands to set your environment variables. Make sure that your environment variables point to a valid installation of JDK on your Ubuntumachine.

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/openjdk-6-jdk

Add the JAVA bin directory to the PATH variable

export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin

This will append the java bin directory to the existing PATH variable. You can also check the PATH variable by entering the following command

Step #4: Verify

Once the OpenJDK 6 Ubuntu Download and installation is complete, we can verify the installed OpenJDK 6 Ubuntu version using below Command.

Go to Ubuntu prompt and type java -version
The above command prints the OpenJDK 6 Ubuntu version you installed.

Java -version

Verify the installed OpenJDK 6 Ubuntu version on windows

Congratulations !!! Now you have installed OpenJDK 6 Ubuntu Successfully.

Step #5: OpenJDK Known Issues

Note: Here is the list of OpenJDK known-issues OpenJDK Known Issues

Here are the ubuntu openjdk packages you might be interested in!

Ubuntu package openjdk-8-jdk
Ubuntu package openjdk-9-jdk
Ubuntu package openjdk-11-jdk
Ubuntu package openjdk-13-jdk
Ubuntu package openjdk-14-jdk
Ubuntu package openjdk-15-jdk

If you are looking out for earlier OpenJDK versions, go to OpenJDK Archive

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  10. OpenJDK 15 Installation on Windows
